President's Message

Datuk Rajan Menon

Welcome to AMMA’s official website and thank you for visiting the website of All Malaysia Malayalee Association (AMMA). Here, you have an opportunity to learn about our association’s history, and Kerala’s unique cultural lineage as well as our in-country future planned events, celebrations and programs. 

Before I proceed further, I would like to offer my sincere and humble appreciation and gratitude to all the Presidents of the All Malaysia Malayalee Association Affiliates (Samajams) for their gracious support and kind words of encouragement in electing me as President of AMMA.

I would also like to convey my heartfelt thanks to the former president, Datuk Suseela Menon and her committee for their past efforts and contributions.
It is a great honour to lead AMMA and I hope everyone will come together in waves to help us achieve all our goals and aspirations for the betterment of our community.
The post of AMMA president comes with a heavy responsibility, much commitment and many challenges and my team and I endeavour to not only fulfil but exceed the expectations as we are passionate about serving our community and to showcasing the unity and richness in our heritage, culture, traditions and customs at various platforms, thus, ensuring we take AMMA to greater heights.

My goals as president are modest. My aim is to engage our existing members and expand our reach to connect with more Malayalees in becoming members of our association by providing them with quality programs, volunteer opportunities and creating various avenues to display talents and the potential of our community members, to support good causes connected with our authentic values and culture, and to preserve and nurture our traditions for our next generation. This keeps alive a strong bond with Kerala.

We have made significant impact in the community for the last 46 years, thanks to dedicated past leaders who served as President, Advisors, Trustees and various committees. Today AMMA is more responsive to its members, more relevant to society and more respected as a cultural association in Malaysia and Internationally. I pledge to continue the tireless efforts and great work by my predecessors and enhance the outlook of true community service. I can say with great pride and confidence that our continued accomplishments will certainly have long lasting impact in the Malaysian Malayalee Community.

My Working Committee and I, together with the assistance and unwavering support of all Affiliates, will be working steadfastly to meet this goal. We hope by the milestones achieved, we will be able to garner support from the wider Indian community and also to inevitably attract more capable and energetic members as we grow in numbers.

It gives me sheer joy, delight and pleasure to note that we have many accomplished, successful and shinning-stars of Malayalees, in terms of accolades in business, professional services and in education in our country and we are blessed to have them be/been part of AMMA. Our current working committee members at national and affiliate levels come from different walks of life with diverse skills, leadership experiences, and exposure but one thing we have in common is the spirit of cultural advocacy as a Malayalee.

I hope that this website will keep us better connected as a community and will help generate interest and enthusiasm to potential members. I empower all Malayalees to take on a role and help meet these goals. If you are not already a member, I encourage you to become a member as there isn’t a better time than now to join the community. Your thoughts and comments are very important to us and will help the association serve the community effectively.

The events calendar (which will be uploaded in due course) will keep you informed about upcoming AMMA events and celebrations. I invite you to join us in all the events organized by our AMMA for you. If you are up for some fun and adventure, please do keep a look out for our exciting plans coming up.

Once again, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support of AMMA and my team and I look forward to working with all of you to make our time serving you a successful and memorable one. If you have any new ideas or suggestions to contribute, please feel free to contact me or any of my committee members.

I would like to wish everyone happiness, success and a great community living in 2018 and beyond.


Datuk Rajan Menon