About the Samajam

Location : Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

Association Name

Malaysian Malayalee Catholic Association (MMCA)

Year of Inception


Registration Number



Datuk Joseph Dominic Silva

Vice Presidents

Mr. Philip Andrew De Silva

Mr. Jerome Fernandez

Hon. Gen. Secretary

Ms. M.V. Anne Mathews

Asst. Gen. Secretary

Ms. Celine Fernandez

Hon. Gen. Treasurer

Mr. Gerald Edward Richard

Ladies Chairperson

Ms. Herlena Claire

Youth Chairperson

Mr. Ashton Luke Alexander

Committee Members

Ms. Henny Bensily

Ms. Philomina D’Cruz

Mr. George Celestine Fernandez

Committee Members

Dato’ A.R. Peter


Malaysia Malayalee Catholics Association was originally registered as Malaysia Malayalee Catholic Welfare Society (MMCWS) in 1958.

MMCWS was formed to render assistance to the poor and the marginalized within the community as well as to the needy of other races and religions in Malaysia.

Due to the changing socio-economic circumstances of the community, in the late twentieth century, the members decided to convert the “caring society” to the status of an “Association”.  Thus, since 1966 with the

approval of the Registrar of Societies (ROS), MMCWS was known as Malaysia Malayalee Catholic Association (MMCA).  The change made it possible for MMCA to focus its efforts to help reinforce and sustain the waning culture and tradition as well as to unite the community through beneficial communal activities and gatherings.


In 2013, MMCA became an affiliate of the All Malaysia Malayalee Association (AMMA).  Since then MMCA has participated in all activities organized by AMMA.

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